Carles Feixa ja Geoffrey Pleyers luennoivat Helsingissä globaalisti aktiivisista sukupolvista

10.02.2012 14:45 - 16:45

Helsingin yliopisto järjestää Citizenship transformations in a global world -konferenssin Tieteiden talolla 9.-10.2.2012. Nuorisotutkimusverkosto on konferenssin yhteistyökumppani, mistä johtuen Nuorisotutkimusseuran jäsenet voivat osallistua konferenssiin alennettuun 10 euron hintaan.

Erityisesti nuorisotutkimuksellisesti relevantti on perjantai-iltapäivän 10.2. plenary -istunto (sali 104), klo 14.45-16.45, jolloin teemana on Generations of Global Citizenship in Action ja puhujina prof. Carles Feixa ja Geoffrey Pleyers. Alla tiivis kuvaus puhujista ja heidän teemoistaan.

Professor Carles Feixa is at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Lleida, Spain. He has been visiting scholar at universities in Rome, Mexico, Paris, Berkeley/California, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Newcastle. He has conducted fieldwork in Spain and Latin America and authored several books, including Jovens na America Latina (with A. Caccia-Bava and Y. Gonzalez, 2004, Escrituras) and Global Youth? Hybrid Identities, Plural Worlds (with P. Nilan, London & New York, 2006). Professor Feixa has acted as an advisor for youth policies of the United Nations and Vice President of the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee “Sociology of Youth”.
Dr Geoffrey Pleyers is FNRS Researcher at the U.C. Louvain (Belgium) and a Senior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and at the CADIS (EHESS, Paris). He teaches sociology of globalization and social movement at the U.C.Louvain and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris). He has conducted fieldwork on the global justice movement, World Social Forums, youth political commitment, young people in Bangalore, critical consumerism and social movements in Latin America. His latest books includeAlter-Globalization. Becoming Actors in the Global Age (pdf-file) (Polity, 2011), La Consummation Critique (as editor, DDB, Paris, 2011) and Movimientos Sociales (ed. with S. Zermeño & F. Mestries, Anthropos, Barcelona, 2007). Dr Pleyers is the vice president of RC47 “Social movements” of the International Sociological Association and the chair of RT 21 “Mouvements sociaux” of the French Sociological Association.
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